Piano Lessons in Sandpoint, ID

Comedic Piano Concert February 23!!!

Becker Auditorium - Bonners Ferry High School
6485 Tamarack Ln
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805


We have years of experience teaching classroom piano! Our philosophy is centered around the idea of students encouraging and learning from each other! Group piano lessons multiply the fun in learning piano! If you are a beginner this is a great place to start!

Book A Call!

The professional teachers at Sandpoint Piano have studied all over the country. We provide group and one-on-one instruction with a passion for performance and goal-setting. We have a few spots available for new students! Let's see if you are a good fit!


Get your questions answered! 

Set up a time to chat with us about our backgrounds, who we are as teachers/musicians, and how we structure our lessons. Book a call below!


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Recital Program from 2023

In February of 2023 we had a phenomenal performance of Liszt, Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert, and Kosenko! Stay tuned for our next performance, February 23, 2025 in Bonners Ferry!

Sean Killing it on the Keys!


We strive to offer at least two or three student recital opportunities each year! 
All students are highly encouraged to perform! We work diligently in our lessons to prepare students for incredible performances!

About Me

Hi there! Thanks for dropping by! My name is Sean Bostrom, I am a pianist, piano teacher, choir director, and avid classical musician around north Idaho and Sandpoint! I specialize in teaching group piano lessons, private piano lessons, and performance. I've performed piano recitals all over north Idaho including Sandpoint, Priest River, Oldtown, Priest Lake, and Bonners Ferry! I love this area and I hope to continue filling it with high caliber musicianship, piano education, and musical fun! If you haven't been to one of my concerts yet...I urge you to come and enjoy an evening of classical music with a comedic flavor based on Victor Borge style fun! My next concert is free and open to the public on February 24th, 7PM at the Historic Pearl Theater in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Because I'm experienced, reliable, and focused on results, I've had the privilege of working with a host of fantastic clients! I was educated by some amazing teachers, and now I have the opportunity to be who they taught me to be. Piano is my ultimate passion, and piano performance is one of the ways I can show it! Group piano lessons are another way for me to give back to the community and share my gifts with people willing to learn! If you enjoy good music and want to improve your skills...join my group piano lessons! I teach beginning, intermediate, and advanced lessons to all ages. 

My work is my purpose, my driving force. It's the reason I get up every day and do what I do. Most importantly, it keeps pushing me to achieve bigger and better things with each new challenge! I used to have a dream of owning my own piano studio...well, now it has become a vision much bigger and brighter than I ever thought of achieving! I can't wait to get in the classroom and share music making skills on the piano! What a treat to be free to make music with each other!

Studio Address:
1333 Superior St. 
Sandpoint, ID 83864

Teaching Philosophy

Students of all ethnicities and beliefs are welcomed in my piano studio. It is my hope that every student is given the best of all opportunities in the piano world in order to further their education and produce a can-do, disciplined work ethic. 

Each student will face challenges, which will positively promote their growth. As a piano teacher, I will ask my students to try their very best in their lessons as well as when they practice. Piano is not like any regular school subject as it combines the mind, body, and soul all into one. It accelerates fine motor skills, coordination, creativity, and cognitive development. 

In my studio, students will have the opportunity to be inspired, have fun, challenge themselves, and build upon their musical knowledge through the practice of music theory, improvisation, performance, and other skills. These tools will guide their growth as outstanding performers and musicians.

My goals for students are to work diligently, facilitate what is learned in each lesson, and to make mistakes and move on. I will do my best to always exemplify that which I teach, in hopes of maintaining high expectations for my students. 


My Background

My family is not particularly gifted in music, but they understand its importance! Especially, the importance and versatility of the piano. When I was 8 years old, my math skills were subpar. My dad knew this. But, he also knew that music and math share many relationships and complement each other in many ways. The left side of the brain working in tandem with the right side. Putting these subjects together is believed by some to increase achievement in both. For this reason, my dad decided to have me take piano lessons. I didn't enjoy them for two whole years! My mom forced me to complete my music theory homework. There were many days where I neglected to do it until minutes before my piano lesson. Somehow, I managed to learn the material from shear memorization and visual practice. Linking the information from my brain to my arms, then to my fingers. As a visual learner, I struggled. However, there were many areas where I excelled...

I soon realized I was more apt to understanding music than my peers because of my visual understanding of the piano. I can see the layout of the piano in my mind, which gave me all the information I needed to complete the music theory tests I had to take. 

After a few years, I was blessed to happen upon a scholarship to study with a professional piano teacher in Chico, CA. Dustin Breshears, the president of the Butte County Branch of the Music Teachers Association of California at the time, was my new teacher. He bumped me up the levels of theory and performance so fast! After only a year of piano lessons with him I was performing in honors recitals and attending chamber music camps, monster concerts, and other large ensemble programs (such as the Vocal, Orchestra, Chamber, Ensemble "VOCE"). I remember meeting so many fellow musicians who quickly became my friends! These opportunities encouraged me to continue practicing, helped me to be more disciplined, and provided an outlet for me whenever I was going through difficult times. 

Near the middle of high school I actually started making money playing the piano! I didn't think much of it at the time, but looking back I realize how incredible that was! I was accompanying children's choirs when I was  sophomore! We performed at Chico State University and other places around the area, including some Shasta College venues! Once I became a junior in high school, I knew I would consider music as a somewhat serious career option. I continued with piano lessons to learn as much as I could from anyone who would teach me! I learned from other pianists my age (and sometimes younger), other teachers (including my teacher's teacher when he was in college), and from multiple prodigies (one of whom was the personal accompanist for Jascha Heifetz, the greatest violinist of the 20th century)! 

My last two years of high school included many trips to Chico State University, where I studied with Natalya Shkoda, Chico's current piano professor. I took performance classes, technique classes, and pedagogy classes from her. I also tested out of music theory at Chico State, and was put in Theory 2 and 3. I excelled above all the other students in my theory and piano classes (as a high school student). Some of them were juniors and seniors. My senior year of high school I won 2nd place in the Kruschke Piano Competition at Chico State, which got me a $500 prize. The only reason I didn't win is because there was a Turkish international student studying at UC Davis who competed. It was this competition where I realized how many amazing pianists and musicians there were in our world! It made me think about myself in a different way. I was used to being neck and neck with the best pianists in the area. But, this girl played so well! She was so articulate, passionate, and delicate at the same time! Obviously I had never looked at the scores she was playing, but I knew just from listening and watching that she was far more mature of a musician than I was. She deserved to win! 

Experiences like these help shape us into better human beings. At least, it helped shape me! I'm grateful for my wins as well as my losses, and I'm stoked to pick myself back up when I fall! Many situations can create these experiences, and in my case they happened because I started piano lessons! 

From high school I earned a scholarship to Minot State University in North Dakota! What a change, eh? From the easy winters of northern California to the frost-biting winds of frigid North Dakota. Well, to be honest...it wasn't that bad. I studied and practiced for 4 years. But, not hardly as much as I could have. My advice is to stay close to the people that challenge you. Spend your time with those who know you can be more than you are. 

If you want to know more about me, visit my about page! 

Thanks for reading,

Sean Bostrom